
5 The Birth of Apollo (91-146)



remained in agony, wracked with labour pains

–for nine days and nine nights, without rest–


At her side, assisting the delivery, were all the high goddesses

those counted as the most ancient, revered nobility

even amongst the other high gods:[1]


[– equal consort of Dios Zeus,[2] mother of Aphrodite[3]–],


[– prophetess, great mother of the Olympian gods–]


–[Primordial Ocean Queen,] who is the-roar-of-the-waves, equal to Poseidon–


–from-ancient-Ichanae, avenger-of-injustice[4]

[consort of Zeus, mother of justice and all good things for humankind–] 95

F: “Except two” reversal


and all the other highest goddesses…


except two


queen with-the-white-arms-of-a-dutiful-wife-inside-the-home.


She still sat inside the home of Zeus-who-shepherds-concealing-clouds

reclining leisurely,  her actions obscured behind the clouds.

One other sat alongside her

her knowledge of the world below concealed by the same golden clouds.

She remained at rest in the palace on Mount Olympus:




Concerning Leto’s laboured childbirth,

she was the only goddess who had not been informed.


[For the following reason:]

Hera with-the-white-arms-of-a-dutiful-wife-inside-the-home

had schemed to keep Eileithyia ignorant and inside her home

in an attempt to preserve her own status [as wife];

because, if she failed

a child of the highest rank and power 100

would soon provide greater glory to her rival,

Leto — with-hair-which-effortlessly-seduced.


The assembled goddesses sent Iris from

Rocky and Barren Delos bustling-and-busy (Transformed!),

to persuade Eileithyia to come in exchange for a truly impressive necklace:

golden-threaded, fifteen-feet long.

But they urged Iris to make sure that Eileithyia was alone before speaking,

since their offer was discordant both

to the plans and

to the very essence of Eileithyia’s mother:

Hera with-the-white-arms-of-a-dutiful-wife-inside-the-home. 105

They feared that if Hera learned of their plan,

she would not hesitate to order Eileithyia to turn back.





Her flight began,

in a blink

the space between

was past.

She arrived on high Olympus,

at the palace of the gods.

Not daring even to enter the doorway of the home,

–Hera’s domain and place of power–

she gestured for Eileithyia to come outside the great hall and 110

whispered her request

winged words which flew straight to the heart

She was a skilled and true messenger;

each word was delivered exactly as the Olympian goddesses had intended.

And what she said

piercing the chest, harmonizing with the very essence inside

was persuasive.

They departed


as doves

startled into flight,

to Delos.


As soon as her feet touched the ground:


who-brings-the-groans-of-childbirth–  115

the final groaning labor of childbirth began for Leto.


The Birth of Apollo


The moment of delivery came:


arms gripped tight, wrapped around a palm tree,

knees pressed down hard into…

sharp rocky ground — suddenly– soft grass,

a gift

the smile of the very earth looking upwards.



–not in the custom of mortals, who fall to the earth —





the light




The attending goddesses lost composure

letting loose the scream of pure joy.


ἰὴ ἰέ — [IayIaIayIa.] 

You are here!

At your arrival, I too cannot help but make-the-ritual-cry-of-joy 



I greet you with proper deference, Lord of purifying-light

now ever-present but then first-present]


[With all the greatest goddesses as your nursemaids,

the after-birth tasks were performed… ]

 You: bathed in flows of never-stagnant water 120

[–the water which purifies the profane and makes us into sacred beings –]

 You: swaddled in a cloth of purest white

[– sacred cloth of delicate, subtle refinement, new-woven for the god’s festival–]

You: bound with a cord of gold

[–a mark of your highest status.]

F: Extraordinary honour


Apollo whose-every-instrument-isof-shining-gold,

only ever nursed on divine food: nectar and sweet ambrosia.

His first sips were offered to him directly, in front of all,

not by breasts and the nursing of his mother, but

by the very hands of proper rule and divine justice: Lady Themis.


Leto, in a joyous and favourable mood, smiles 125

recognizing that she has given birth to such a son

one who will reflect such glory to her

[a king, respected by all]

a strong and deadly archer.


The Domains of Apollo

ἰὴ ἰέ — [IayIaIayIa.] 

You are here!

I too cannot help but make-the-ritual-cry-of-joy 


I sing of your first moments,



at the very first taste of the food of the immortals,

were transformed

swelling in age, form, and power


first — in age, no longer a baby,

snapping the golden swaddling cord


then — in the strength of your form,

unable to be held by any physical bonds. 


now — in your power,

breaker of all chains.



Phoebus Apollo,


from his first moment in the sun,

already spoke in formal address to immortal assembly: 130


“Be aware,

these will be my domains and honours:

the deadly bow

[which will bring death to my enemies]

yes this, but also…

the bow of the lyre

[which brings solace, joy, and peace to all] and

          the voice of oracles:

which will bring to humans — ignorant and lost —

guidance from the immutable plans of Zeus.”


Once he had made this proclamation,

he immediately set out

to make a young man’s quest

to make his name,

to accomplish great deeds

across the broad-paths of the Earth:


already an adolescent with-long-hair-uncut,




Delos Reprise

As he departed,

the noble ladies,

catching sight of him

–seeing who he truly was–

gasped, struck with reverent awe,

though they were all mighty goddesses themselves 135


But lady Delos, 

the very moment she laid eyes on him

–on her little green sapling,

sprouted from Leto and Zeus–

 became purest gold.

Her rocky face, blushing with happiness,

forever filled with colour and wealth.


She was transformed.

Because of the god

Because such a one had chosen to establish his home

on her

over all other lands

over all the other islands

over all the places of the mainland.

Through the love of him filling her heart,

she now shined gloriously, like:

the peak of a mountain, once gray and craggy,

blanketed under the colour of spring flowers.


ἰὴ ἰέ — [IayIaIayIa.] 

You are here!

I too cannot help but make-the-ritual-cry-of-joy 



Let me address you with proper deference:]




with-power-stretching-far! 140


Out of all other places…


your sacred paths on rugged mount Cynthos,

your many dwellings

among the islands, and

among those who live elsewhere,

all of your other temples and shaded grooves

— even though there are so many



even those places most pleasing to you in their beauty:

peaks and rolling foothills of high mountains, 

rivers flowing into the ocean,

beaches and harbors alongside the sea–145


Above them all,

it is still the sight of her

which most brings joy into your heart:


  1. The list of goddesses here is fascinating and it is difficult to tell exactly why this particular set was chosen. Demonstrably they are all of older generations (depending on the myth, obviously) and all are (in later myths at least) connected to the highest figures of the gods: brides of Zeus (Dione, Themis), mother of Zeus and wife of the previous king (Rhea), or wife of Poseidon and possibly the previous ruler of the sea (Amphitrite). More speculatively, each of these goddesses represent thematic elements that do appear within the hymn or are traditionally attached to Apollo. Most have a long tradition of attachment to places of oracle (often being prophetess' in and of themselves), many are connected to tales of important births (Aphrodite, the gods, or the many good things connected to Themis) -- even, in the case of Rhea, a god who has taken the privledge of birth for his own.. Smaller connections might include Apollo's famous love affairs (ala Aphrodite) and Apollo's prominent connection with Poseidon and the ocean in this hymn (through Amphitrite)
  2. Her name is literally the female form of Zeus' name -- his 'Dios' from which deus/divine/etc. comes means 'male divinity' and hers Dione means 'female divinity.' Although less important in later mythology, she probably comes from an earlier substratum of belief.
  3. This is a definite refutation of the Hesiodic pan-hellenic myth that makes Aphrodite a semi-Titan born out of Ouranos' severed genitals. Though Dione is not stated to be the mother of Aphrodite explicitly in this hymn, she IS called daughter of Zeus when she later appears and this accords with the set of mythology that makes Dione the mother.
  4. Ichnae was in ancient Macedonia and the Ichnaen goddess is a primordial huntress figure in her own right who is conflated both with Themis but also with Gaia and with the Eumenides (and possibly with Aphrodite/Artemis as well). Specifying her as Ichnaen though, in addition to making her quite old, is likely mean to call to mind her connection to oracular sanctuaries in the area.