
14 Apollo reveals himself to the Cretan Sailors (449-485)







–swift as a thought–

His appearance:

human, now–

fit and strong,

an adolescent in his prime,

long-hair covering broad shoulders.  450

Persuasive Speech?


To the sailors, he spoke

— winged words which flew straight to the heart —


“Who are you, strangers?

What was the origin of your voyage across the watery paths?

Do you come to trade something?

Or do you roam the sea without good purpose like:

pirates on the sea, roaming idly, laying in ambush,

risking their very lives to bring evil to strangers?  455

Also: why are you just sitting there, with troubled looks on your faces?

You have not jumped down here onto the ground.

You have not even loosened the sails of your black ship yet!

Don’t you know the custom for all humans,

if they have been hard-working?

when their black ship finally reaches land —

the whole crew exhausted by weary labour–    460

they immediately focus on filling their hunger

with the sweetness of bread.”


His words — though formed as questions —

reminded them of who they were and

began to rekindle the breath of spirit which had left their chest.


To him, the Cretan leader finally dared to reply, addressing him directly:


“Greetings, strange friend.

Since, judging by your stature and physique you are noble:

not resembling other mortals

so much as you resemble the immortal gods.  465

Let me first wish you



and that the gods grant you many blessings.


In response please answer me truthfully and clear up my confusion:

What land is this?

What territory?

By what name do the mortals born here call themselves?


[But now, despite my pain at the answers

I have the spirit to answer the questions you posed.]

[As to our origin and purpose:]

Know that we set out across the vast depths aiming at a different destination.

We sought to trade at Pylos

We sailed from Crete,

which is is the land we are proud to claim as our home and origin.470

[As to why here and why we appear frightened:]

we did not arrive here intentionally;

Indeed, we are eager to leave

to find for some other road or path back home.

But though we did not wish it [and though it brings us great fear],

we were brought here

for an unknown purpose

by an unknown god.”


He whose-works-are-far-known

King Apollo

responded, saying:


“Friends, Guests,

you lived in forested Knossos…   475



there will be no return journey

to that city — well-loved though it is

or to your homes — however beautiful

or to your wives — once dear.

instead, here,

–near to my temple

rich with sacrificial fat,

honoured by countless humans–

you will live

for the rest of your lives.


For I am


And Zeus is my father —

this is my proud claim of origin.       480


It was I who brought you

here,  far across the depths of the sea.

Be not afraid:

it was not for a malicious purpose!

Instead, I have done this so that

here, for —

my temple

rich with sacrificial fat,

honoured by countless humans —

you will be

sacred temple wardens and

keepers of the divine plan,

at least,

whatever the immortals intend to divulge,

and for that,

you will be

honoured always in the days to come. 485