Book Title: Childhood Experiences of Family Violence Among Racialized Immigrant Youth: Case Studies

Book Description: The book provides narratives of the direct and indirect experiences of family violence, its impacts and survival by racialized immigrant youth in their childhood
Book Information
Book Description
Envisioned to serve as a training tool for human service professionals, the book, “Childhood experiences of family violence among racialized immigrant youth: Case studies,” provides narratives of the direct and indirect experiences of family violence, its impacts and survival by racialized immigrant youth in their childhood. The case narratives have been constructed from the phenomenological interviews conducted with twelve racialized immigrant youth as they described and interpreted their experiences of violence. Guided by theoretical frameworks such as Anti-Colonialism, Critical Race Theory, a rights-based approach to children and Anti-Oppressive practice, with concepts of the Best Interest of the Child and Coercive Control, the narratives shed light on how, in the case of racialized immigrant children, their experiences of family violence are complicated by systemic violence. In bringing to light the role of systemic violence, the book provides a new direction to effectively address family violence in the case of racialized immigrant children.
Childhood Experiences of Family Violence Among Racialized Immigrant Youth: Case Studies Copyright © 2023 by Purnima George, Archana Medhekar, Ferzana Chaze, Bethany Osborne is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
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