
2.0 Learning Outcome

Learning Outcome

By the end of this chapter, the apprentice will be able to:

  • Describe their roles and responsibilities as well as those of their agency mentor and college faculty.

“RECEs build positive relationships with colleagues by demonstrating respect, trust, and integrity. They support, mentor and collaborate with colleagues, including students aspiring to the profession” (CECE, 2017, p7).

Important Note

An apprentice having a meeting with their curriculum professor.
Photo, by Christina @ wocintechchat.comUnsplash Licence.

The model for Apprenticeship placement is that your Curriculum Professor is your direct faculty support. This means the student takes the Curriculum and Placement courses at the same time.

You are NOT assigned a faculty advisor, as the assumption is most of your hours are done within your workplace or workplace organization. Your placement hours are to be completed within the 7-week period you are registered, with ALL paperwork to be completed by the last day of the term.