
3 Module 1 – Getting Started

To create the interactive learning experience you are about to experience, we worked with project management professionals, certified project management professionals (PMPs), and learners to explore matters pertaining to the change management advice and guidance, project management good practices, as well real-world experiences you will likely encounter as project professional.

You will engage with the content by reading the material in the Pressbook open textbook, working through interactive modules, and answering ‘Check for Understanding’ style questions.

As you move through the learning materials, you are encouraged to remember that getting an answer wrong can actually help to deepen your understanding. As you work through the interactive modules, you simply need to press the green button in the upper right-hand corner of the interactive modules to ‘Proceed’.

If at any point, you get an answer incorrect, you can simply press the green ‘Back’ button to retry.


The authors designed these resources as a way for you to have an opportunity to try, and try again in these learning modules. Success isn’t defined, in this context, by getting all of the answers right. Rather, success is learning through free experimentation, self-interrogation, and engaging with these materials with an open mind, curiosity and empathy.

Mostly, enjoy the story.






Navigating Change Management for Project Managers: The Game Copyright © 2022 by Tanya Pobuda; Grace Allotey; Vishal Garg; Maryam Tabatabaei; Amanda Seguin; Nicole Dignard; Kashifjaveed Wani; Ansu Marykurian; Gunaydemir Deliduman; Gurpinderpal Singh Sidhu; Harsimran Singh; and Eric Baror. All Rights Reserved.