
Thank you for going on this journey of being and becoming a changemaker. This is a never-ending journey of continued learning and reflecting as you think, feel, and do in order to (en)act changemaking. And each of our journeys will look and sound and feel different. But one thing that we will have in common is doing the work of being tuned into new ways of thinking, feeling, and doing. And that is the paradox of change – you cannot unsee the opportunities before you.

To wrap up the Manifesting as a Changemaker toolkit, we want to share with you some tips for sustaining the practice of changemaking. We know that change is hard work, especially social change. It is important to take good care of yourself so that you remain invigorated by the work, continually able to show up and be present to its unfolding.


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Manifesting As A Changemaker Copyright © 2024 by Tracy Mitchell-Ashley; Isabelle Deschamps; Chris Robert Michael; Sarah Hunter; Dale Boyle is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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