Changemaker Permission Slip

According to BrenĂ© Brown (2020), permission slips give us “a practical and familiar way to think about what might get in the way of us . . . asking for what we need or trying something new.” They can also move us closer to a deeper level of engagement and connection when learning. For example,

  • I give myself permission to ask for what I need from my peers or colleagues to enact changemaking.
  • I give myself permission to take risks even if it leads to failure.
  • I give myself permission to not know everything.
  • I honour myself and recognize that I can be a changemaker while continuing to engage in the process of being and becoming.
  • I am enough and my contributions, big and small, matter!

We want this toolkit to be a safe container for you to explore your own thinking, feeling, and doing. Before moving on, see if you can lean into this practice of giving yourself permission so that you can show up for yourself and the learners whom you support. Use the space below to get a bit more curious before proceeding to the next section.



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Manifesting As A Changemaker Copyright © 2024 by Tracy Mitchell-Ashley; Isabelle Deschamps; Chris Robert Michael; Sarah Hunter; Dale Boyle is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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