Deleting Parts and Chapters


This template is divided into Parts (Front Matter, Templates, Back Matter) and those parts are divided into chapters. Before you publish, you will need to delete some instructional parts and chapters. This chapter will provide instructions on how to do so.

Deleting a Chapter

This is a very easy process. Simply enter “Organize” section of this pressbook and hover mouse over the title of the chapter. A drop-down menu will appear. Select “Trash” to delete the chapter.

You can also delete the chapter in the editor section. In the right sidebar, in the “Status & Visibility” menu, you will find the “Move to Trash” option to the left of the “Save” button.

Deleting a Part

You must delete the chapters in the Part first, if not these chapters will move to another Part. To delete the part, simply click go to the “Organize” section and click “Trash” beneath the Part Title.

You cannot delete the Front and Back Matter Parts.

Restoring Deleted Content

If you deleted a chapter or part by accident, do not panic. Restoring deleted content is very easy. In the navigation sidebar on the left, find “Organize”. Under “Organize” click “Trash”. This will redirect you to the trash can. Find the chapter or part that was accidentally deleted and select “restore” in the “Action” column.



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CC Open Template Draft Copyright © by Michelle Johnson, Centennial College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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