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The Word on College Reading and Writing book cover

The Word on College Reading and Writing

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English

Author(s): Carol Burnell, Jaime Wood, Monique Babin, Susan Pesznecker, Nicole Rosevear

Last updated: 10/02/2025

Written by five college reading and writing instructors, this interactive, multimedia text draws from decades of experience teaching students who are entering the college reading and writing environment for the first time. It includes examples, exercises, and definitions for just about every reading- and writing-related topic students will encounter in their college courses.

Order a print copy: http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/the-word-on-college-reading-and-writing/23481664

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/.

OER Toolkit for Trades Instructors: Adopting an Open Education Resource & Integrating It into a Trades Course book cover

OER Toolkit for Trades Instructors: Adopting an Open Education Resource & Integrating It into a Trades Course

CC BY (Attribution)   English (Canada)

Author(s): Sue Doner, Susan Chandler

Publisher: BCcampus

Last updated: 06/02/2025

Adopting an Open Education Resource & Integrating it into a Trades Course: OER Toolkit for Trades Instructors shows a snapshot of the OER adoption process. This Toolkit is designed to answer questions posed by BC Trades instructors specifically, but the steps described will also support similar projects in other disciplines and programs. The Toolkit is presented in the form of a (possible) case study, which is based on questions and issues shared by Trades instructors from three BC post-secondary institutions: Camosun College, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, and University of the Fraser Valley.

OER Toolkit for Trades Instructors includes a quick reference guide of definitions, summary of a sample course, a step-by-step guide to implementing course revisions and OER adoption, links to external resources, a sample module and a range of best practice examples.

Following three phases of an adoption process (Phase  – Take stock; Phase 2 – Make a plan; Phase 3 – Adopt and evaluate), the Toolkit also explores the motivation of the user and why instructors adopt OERs.

Nursing Care at the End of Life book cover

Nursing Care at the End of Life

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)   English

Author(s): Susan E. Lowey

Publisher: Open SUNY Textbooks

Last updated: 04/02/2025

Nursing Care at the End of Life: What Every Clinician Should Know addresses an essential component of the basic educational preparation for the professional registered nurse student. Recent studies show that only one in four nurses feel confident in caring for dying patients and their families and less than 2% of overall content in nursing textbooks are related to end-of-life care. Despite the tremendous growth in palliative and end-of-life care programs across the country, very few nursing education programs provide adequate education on this topic for future nurses. The purpose of this textbook is to provide an indepth look at death and dying in this country and explore the vital role of the nurse in assisting patients and families along the journey towards the end of life. There is an emphasis throughout the book on the simple, yet understated value of effective interpersonal communication between the patient and clinician. The text provides a basic foundation for understanding death and dying, including a brief historical examination of some main conceptual models associated with how patients cope with impending loss. An overview of illness trajectories and models of care, such as hospice and palliative care, are discussed. Lastly, the latest evidence based approaches for pain and symptom management, ethical concerns, cultural considerations, care at the time of death, and bereavement are examined. The goal of this text is to foster the necessary skills for nurses to provide compassionate care to individuals who are nearing the end of life and families who are experiencing the loss of a loved one. Every chapter contains a “What You Should Know” section which highlights and reinforces the main message nurses should know when caring for their patient.
Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Course Pack 6 book cover

Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Course Pack 6

CC BY (Attribution)   English

Author(s): Shantel Ivits

Last updated: 03/02/2025

This course pack is designed to meet the learning outcomes for Adult Literacy Fundamental English Level 6 (roughly equivalent to grades 7.5 to 9 in the K-12 system). Every chapter includes a level-appropriate, high-interest reading of between 500 and 1,000 words. The readings are freely available in a separate reader with convenient links to the readings in each chapter of this course pack. Each chapter includes pre-reading questions that can be used for individual reflection, journalling or class discussion, vocabulary-building exercises, comprehension questions, grammar lessons and practice exercises, and writing tasks.

This course pack makes use of a number of graphic organizers to help students order their thoughts in a visual way, as well as a Digital Story Progress Sheet and Paragraph Writing Checklist. In the appendix, there are: a list of all graphic organizers and forms used in the course pack and writing assessment checklists. Font size and line spacing can be adjusted in the online view, and have been enhanced for the print and PDF versions for easier reading. This course pack has been reviewed by subject experts from colleges and universities.

Nationalism, Self-determination and Secession book cover

Nationalism, Self-determination and Secession

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)   English

Author(s): Geoff Andrews, Michael Saward

Publisher: The Open University

Last updated: 02/02/2025

What makes a ‘nation’ and what makes peoples strive for nationhood? This unit will provide you with an introduction to studying political ideas by looking at how people who see themselves as nations challenge the existing order to assert their right to a state of their own.

After studying this unit you should be able to:

  • grasp the concepts of nation, nationalism and self-determination;
  • have a better understanding of the role they play in current political disputes;
  • think about the problem of how to take democratic decisions about secession;
  • relate political theory to political practice more rigorously;
  • take a more informed and active part in debates about national and international politics.
Workplace Safety in the Foodservice Industry book cover

Workplace Safety in the Foodservice Industry

CC BY (Attribution)   English

Author(s): The BC Cook Articulation Committee

Last updated: 01/02/2025

Workplace Safety in the Foodservice Industry is one of a series of Culinary Arts open textbooks developed to support the training of students and apprentices in British Columbia’s foodservice and hospitality industry. Although created with the Professional Cook, Baker and Meatcutter programs in mind, these have been designed as a modular series, and therefore can be used to support a wide variety of programs that offer training in foodservice skills.

Workplace Safety covers British Columbia legislation and regulations for workplace safety, as well as an overview of general safety practices in commercial kitchens and other workplaces in the foodservice industry.

Other books in the series include:

  • Food Safety, Sanitation, and Personal Hygiene
  • Working in the Food Service Industry
  • Basic Kitchen and Food Service Management
  • Meat Cutting and Processing
  • Human Resources in the Food Service and Hospitality Industry
  • Understanding Ingredients for the Canadian Baker
  • Nutrition and Labelling for the Canadian Baker
  • Modern Pastry and Plated Dessert Techniques
Principles of Social Psychology - 1st International Edition book cover

Principles of Social Psychology - 1st International Edition

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)   English

Author(s): Dr. Charles Stangor, Dr. Hammond Tarry, Dr. Rajiv Jhangiani

Last updated: 01/02/2025

The first International edition of this textbook provides students with an introduction to the basic concepts and principles of social psychology from an interactionist perspective. The presentation of classic studies and theories are balanced with insights from cutting-edge, contemporary research. An emphasis on real world examples and applications is intended to guide students to critically analyze their situations and social interactions in order to put their knowledge to effective use.

Health Case Studies book cover

Health Case Studies

CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike)   English (Canada)

Author(s): Glynda Rees, Rob Kruger, Janet Morrison

Publisher: BCcampus

Last updated: 29/01/2025

Health Case Studies is composed of eight separate health case studies. Each case study includes the patient narrative or story that models the best practice (at the time of publishing) in healthcare settings. Associated with each case is a set of specific learning objectives to support learning and facilitate educational strategies and evaluation.

The case studies can be used online in a learning management system, in a classroom discussion, in a printed course pack or as part of a textbook created by the instructor. This flexibility is intentional and allows the educator to choose how best to convey the concepts presented in each case to the learner.

Because these case studies were primarily developed for an electronic healthcare system, they are based predominantly in an acute healthcare setting. Educators can augment each case study to include primary healthcare settings, outpatient clinics, assisted living environments, and other contexts as relevant.

Simulator Laboratory book cover

Simulator Laboratory

CC BY (Attribution)   English (Canada)

Author(s): Serhat Beyenir & Sanja Boskovic

Subject(s): Engineering thermodynamics, Computer modelling and simulation

Publisher: BCIT/BCcampus

Last updated: 29/01/2025

This Simulator laboratory (SIMLAB) book was created to provide ancillary resources for Thermodynamics and Thermal Power Plant Simulator courses. It is intended to act as a collection of exercises to help our students merge the theory covered in the classroom with the practice performed in the labs.

Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care book cover

Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care

CC BY (Attribution)   English

Author(s): Jodie Anita, Glynda Rees Doyle, Jodie Anita McCutcheon

Last updated: 29/01/2025

This open educational resource (OER) was developed to ensure best practice and quality care based on the latest evidence, and to address inconsistencies in how clinical health care skills are taught and practised in the clinical setting. The checklist approach, used in this textbook, aims to provide standardized processes for clinical skills and to help nursing schools and clinical practice partners keep procedural practice current. Each skill/procedure is covered in a chapter that has learning objectives, a brief overview of the relevant theory, checklists of steps for procedures with the rationale behind each step of the process, and a summary of key takeaways. Key terms are set in bold throughout the book and laid out again in a Glossary in the appendix. All 88 checklists are also summarized, and hyperlinked to the original checklist, in the appendix.

This book should be used in conjunction with existing courses in any health care program. This book is not intended to replace core resources in health care programs that provide comprehensive information concerning diseases and conditions. An understanding of medical terminology, human anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology is a required asset to use this book effectively. The development of technical skills is based on the knowledge of, practice to achieve proficiency in, and attitudes related to the skill, and an awareness of how our roles affect our patients and other health care professionals. This book contributes to enhancing safer care for patients by outlining evidence-based practices, and looking beyond just the technical skill to understanding the types of expertise and knowledge required to decrease adverse events.