Joints of the Body


Figure 8.1 Girl Kayaking – Without joints, body movements would be impossible. (credit: Graham Richardson/

Chapter Objectives

After studying this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Review the types of movements that occur at synovial joints
  • Review the classification of synovial joints
  • Describe the anatomy of selected synovial joints
  • Identify important bony landmarks, ligaments, and cartilaginous structures associated with selected joints


Our body movement occurs as a result of muscles pulling on bones and creating movement at joints. Joints play an important role in the movement we are able to do. The structure and anatomy of joints also plays an important role in what types of body movements we are able to do with each joint.

Joints also have many important structures that contribute to the mobility and stability of that joint. These structures can be susceptible to injury, which can cause pain and limitations in movement.

Chapter attribution to “Anatomy and Physiology 2e” by OpenStax. Parts of Chapter 9.5 – 9.6 are included in this derivative.


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Anatomy and Physiology I MSK at Cambrian College Copyright © 2024 by OpenStax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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