
Course Assignments

Franchise Agreement Changes

Assignment Description

For this assignment you will deliver two documents:

  1. One page of amendments: applied to the first page of your two (2) page submission regarding the franchise agreement (use the Arbitration Agreement example posted on Bb as models as discussed in class). Choose a non-trivial part of the agreement worthy of negotiation by the parties. Present your recommended changes in a blacklined section of the franchise agreement with footnotes to explain your proposed amendments. I’d like you to fit it on ONE page.
  2. One pages of references you have used to make amendments to the agreement in your first page. On this second page, you must attach a list of the annotated references that you used for this mandatory assignment.

If there are parts of the original terms (before your proposed changes) that are not essential to your paper, then consider not including those parts if you are not changing such parts.

In this assignment, you will consider the differing positions one party may take when negotiating such a material portion of the agreement, and anticipate reasons for the differing positions that might be used by other party to justify their counter proposal.

The best papers will provide evidence of your work so that it demonstrates that you have prepared for class discussions. You will each have about 10 minutes to present the highlights of your paper and lead the class discussions during your time plus 5 minutes for questions.

Supporting Documents


Business Agreements - Instructor Guide (Original) Copyright © 2022 by Werner H. Keller is licensed under a Ontario Commons License, except where otherwise noted.