Book Title: Business Agreements – Instructor Guide (Original)

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Book Description: This is an instructor guide for a seminar course, Business Agreements, which is offered to senior undergraduate business, MBA, and law students at the University of Windsor and combines senior students from both faculties for interdisciplinary study. Course design aims to promote learner engagement in experiential learning. Students engage with course content by analyzing real-world business contracts to produce short written submissions before class thereby preparing students for in-class discussions.This textbook was authored by Werner H. Keller and Nobuko Fujita (University of Windsor) and licensed under an Ontario Commons License (Version 1.0)
Book Information
Book Description
This is an instructor guide for a seminar course, Business Agreements, which is offered to senior undergraduate business, MBA, and law students at the University of Windsor and combines senior students from both faculties for interdisciplinary study. Course design aims to promote learner engagement in experiential learning. Students engage with course content by analyzing real-world business contracts to produce short written submissions before class thereby preparing students for in-class discussions.
This instructor guide is intended to support the wider use and reuse of the course content by educators in business, law, and related disciplines. Business agreements are case studies which create memorable, thought-provoking examples to help students develop skills and knowledge of the structure and content of typical business contracts. The instructor’s teaching philosophy focuses on lifelong learning and skill development. Thus, the course is designed to enable learners to meet the needs of a rapidly evolving labour market through experiential learning opportunities for upskilling and reskilling learners’ “literacy” with business agreements.
Business Agreements - Instructor Guide (Original) Copyright © 2022 by Werner H. Keller is licensed under a Ontario Commons License, except where otherwise noted.Subject
Business and Management