
Course Assignments

Franchise Agreement

Rationale for this assignment

The essence is for student to write talking points for themself to help during our class discussions. The format would be to highlight section numbers together with meaningful questions or comments various sections of the agreement. That is what attached email regarding a franchise agreement is intended to exemplify. Students are to prepare a similar 1 page list of talking points for franchise agreement.

Assignment Description

The contract structure form should be completed to demonstrate that you generally can use the framework to gain insights. It need not be perfect; just use good honest thinking work. The other 1 page report also will demonstrate your effort expended to understand the agreement to prepare for discussions in class. To do the 2nd part of this task you will need to “Put yourself in the shoes of each party” to do your analysis. Regarding the franchise agreement you will submit 2 pages :

  1. characterize each section or paragraph of agreement according to contract structure framework; and
  2. identify terms worthy of negotiation; and describe at least 3 business priorities for each of the parties including risk analysis.

Give your opinion (with reasons) regarding which terms are a priority. Submit those 2 pages to provide evidence of your effort to prepare for class discussions. You should review pages 405 to 410 in Ch 17 of the 13e text ( p 375 to 380 in 14e) for context but your paper should reflect the terms of the contract  not the readings in the text.  Thus, Rubric weighting focuses upon  evidence of  consideration of context using well defined terms, evidence of careful reading of agreement and excellent reflection on that case study.

Submission’s content responds comprehensively with all tasks in the instructions for the assignment. It critically evaluates  alternatives considering costs, consequences, business priorities and risk analysis. Conclusions regarding consequences and implications are logical and reflect informed evaluation of priorities and all due consideration of opposing viewpoints, demonstrating an outstanding consideration of the interdependence of terms of agreement, different perspectives & trade-offs. Ambiguities are explored and good questions posed.

Supporting Documents


Business Agreements - Instructor Guide (Original) Copyright © 2022 by Werner H. Keller is licensed under a Ontario Commons License, except where otherwise noted.