
Course Assignments

Asset Purchase Agreement

Rationale for this assignment

By this time in the course, the students usually have developed skills to better map the contract terms to the functional parts described in the contract structure form and are thus able to better understand this transactional agreement of purchase and sale.

This is an example of a “Definitive Agreement” as the term was used in the Letter of Intent

Assignment Description

Your 1 page paper will demonstrate that you have critically reviewed the Asset Purchase Agreement and you performed the same type of analysis for this agreement as for Assignment #10. However, you are not required for this to find references or perform the wordsmithing many of you showed in those franchise agreement papers. INSTEAD, less formally I would like you to suggest which terms are worthy of negotiation by a party , what changes you would request on behalf of that party and why? So this is like page 9 of your end of semester paper: “Select a party and suggest amendments to the contract with reasons”. However, instead of focusing in detail on one part. I request that you review the whole agreement and come prepared to discuss a number terms.

I do not want you to hand in the contract structure form; but if you complete it, that may help you understand this agreement. You will describe the differing positions the one party may take when negotiating material portions of the agreement while anticipating the other party’s responses.

Focus your critical thinking and analysis on the words of the agreement. You are NOT required to ‘wordsmith’ but rather identify and describe changes with reasons.

Supporting Documents


Business Agreements - Instructor Guide (Original) Copyright © 2022 by Werner H. Keller is licensed under a Ontario Commons License, except where otherwise noted.