Book Title: Breaking the Silence

Subtitle: The Untold Journeys Of Racialized Immigrant Youth Through Family Violence

Authors: Purnima George; Archana Medhekar; Bethany Osborne; Ferzana Chaze; Karen Cove; and Sophia Schmitz

Cover image for Breaking the Silence

Book Description: The book, “Breaking the silence: The untold journeys of racialized immigrant youth through family violence,” sheds light on the experiences and agency of twelve racialized immigrant youths as they navigated family violence in their childhood.

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Book Information

Book Description

Intended to fill the existing gap in knowledge, the book, “Breaking the silence: The untold journeys of racialized immigrant youth through family violence,” is a Phenomenological research study that sheds light on the experiences and agency of twelve racialized immigrant youths as they navigated family violence in their childhood. By bringing together theoretical frameworks, such as Anti-Colonialism, Critical Race Theory, A rights-based approach to children and Anti-Oppressive practice, with concepts of the Best Interest of the Child and Coercive Control, the book provides an insight into the impacts of family violence and how these experiences are complicated by systemic violence in case of racialized immigrant children. The book provides a way forward for the Justice sector to broaden the concept of the best interest of the child and recognize systemic violence in family violence matters. A unique contribution of the book is the participants’ recommendations that call for transforming practices of sectors that address family violence along with work with communities and individuals.


Purnima George; Archana Medhekar; Bethany Osborne; Ferzana Chaze; Karen Cove; and Sophia Schmitz


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

Breaking the Silence Copyright © 2023 by Purnima George; Archana Medhekar; Bethany Osborne; Ferzana Chaze; Karen Cove; and Sophia Schmitz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


Domestic abuse


Breaking the Silence
Purnima George; Archana Medhekar; Bethany Osborne; Ferzana Chaze; Karen Cove; and Sophia Schmitz

Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

Breaking the Silence Copyright © 2023 by Purnima George; Archana Medhekar; Bethany Osborne; Ferzana Chaze; Karen Cove; and Sophia Schmitz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

Primary Subject
Domestic abuse
Additional Subject(s)
Violence and abuse in society, Criminal law: Gender violence, Racism and racial discrimination / Anti-racism, Migration, immigration and emigration, Child welfare and youth services, Social work
Sheridan College, Toronto Metropolitan University
Publication Date
August 15, 2023