
The Grading System

The grade for a course is normally determined by combining the grades obtained on classwork, assignments, tests, participation and examinations. The method for determining the final grade is to be stated in the course outline. The results of all courses attempted will appear as letter grades on the student’s transcript. Letter grades and the grade points assigned and equivalent percentages are indicated in the table below.

The MBA Grading Scale:

Grade Points Equivalent Percentages Pass/Fail
A+ 12 90-100 P+
A 11 85-89 P
A- 10 80-84 P
B+ 9 75-79 P
B 8 70-74 P
B- 7 60-69 P
F 0 59 and under F

Dean’s Honour List

The minimum grade point average for the Dean’s Honour List is 10.5 (between A- and A). BLPT students will be assessed after having completed all the 600 level courses, and once they complete all the 700 level courses. If the average at the end of all courses is 10.5 students will be awarded the Dean’s list.


BLPT Handbook 2022-2023 Copyright © by Erica Wilson. All Rights Reserved.