
Course Load

BLPT MBA students must take all required courses as outlined in the summary of course requirements.  Students are not permitted to take additional courses.

Qualified students may take additional courses (overload) in the third year of the program. Requests to do so should be sent to the BLPT Program Officer. Overloading is academically challenging, so requests from students with cumulative GPAs of less than 10.5 will not be considered. The rationale for taking the overload should be based on academic and/or work-related considerations. Overload approvals will only be granted under exceptional circumstances and overload requests will be reviewed on an individual, case-by-case basis in consultation with the Manager, MBA Programs.

Students enrolled in the BLPT MBA program wishing to alter their course load from the standard course load per term should submit the “Petition for Special Consideration” form, https://pt-mba.degroote.mcmaster.ca/files/2019/09/Petition-for-Special-Consideration-Leave-of-Absence.pdf, to the BLPT Program Officer at least one month prior to the beginning of the BLPT MBA academic term.


BLPT Handbook 2022-2023 Copyright © by Erica Wilson. All Rights Reserved.