
Appeal Procedures

Taken from Section 5.3 in the Graduate Calendar:

“The University has a responsibility to provide fair and equitable procedures for the lodging and hearing of student complaints arising out of University regulations, policies and actions that affect students directly. The procedures described in the Student Appeal Procedures are intended to provide a mechanism to fairly address alleged injustices. Students who wish to raise questions or who have a concern are strongly encouraged to communication informally with their instructors, the Chair of their Supervisory Committee (or the Department Graduate Advisor where no committee exists), the Department Chair and/or the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, the University Ombuds, or the appropriate administrative officer before seeking a review under the formal procedures. Experience has shown that many complaints can be resolved satisfactorily through informal communication. Students are requested to speak with the University Secretary regarding a complaint before submitting an application.

Students should seek remedies for their grievances as promptly as possible and must do so within the time limitations set out in the Student Appeal Procedures.

A Master’s or Ph.D. thesis, and a Ph.D. comprehensive exam are specifically excluded from the re-read procedures identified in the Student Appeal Procedures. If a student does poorly in any of these examinations, the original examining committee is required to allow the student a second opportunity at the examination after at least a week. If the student fails on that second attempt, no additional examinations are permitted.”

The Student Appeal Procedures may be found at:



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