
Module 5: Data Analysis & Reciprocity

Presenting Results

Icon of a person presenting data

Writing about your findings, particularly when dealing with qualitative data, can be challenging. You might feel overwhelmed by the volume of information, unsure how to present it all coherently. This is why it’s crucial to remain focused on your research question as you sift through your data. While you should take note of significant but tangentially related details, prioritize the information that directly responds to your research question.

As part of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) process, sharing your project and its outcomes is expected. This dissemination is a fundamental aspect of action research and serves as a valuable opportunity for reflection. Duesbery and Twyman (2020) offer several tips to keep in mind for effectively sharing your project and its results.

Quick Tips for Sharing Your Project and Results


Sharing Your Project and Results

You can use the following tips (downloadable/fillable document) when sharing your project and results:

Research is only research when it is shared with others. This is particularly true for action research which is a more collaborative endeavor. Make room for people to ask questions about your practice, and they will question their own (Duesbery and Twyman 2020).


Here are a variety of ways you can share and present your final research report. Take a look at some of our previous SoTL-funded projects and the results they shared!


Example 1:
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Research Nursing

Source: Centennial College. YouTube, 20 Mar 2019.

Example 2:
Video Games in Education

Source: Centennial College. YouTube, 9 Nov 2020.

Exploring Student Perceptions of Empowerment

Open PDF in a New Tab

Final Report:
Disruptor or Saviour? A Centennial College Covid-19 Academic Case Study

Open PDF in a New Tab

Additional Resource

View more Centennial College SoTL Projects.


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Action Research Handbook Copyright © by Dr. Zabedia Nazim and Dr. Sowmya Venkat-Kishore is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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