
45 Time Management Aids


An array of strategies and tools focused on supporting student time management development over short (e.g., a lesson) and long (e.g., a course, term) periods of time.

In action

Provide resources (e.g., planners, timers) and appropriate modeling and support to incorporate time-management tools and strategies into their day-to-day life.

Support Strategies

  • Model and teach short- and long-term goals setting for school-based tasks (e.g., daily homework, end of term paper)
  • Encourage use visuals (e.g., a sand or electronic timer) to keep track of how much time they have to complete a task
  • Model the effective use of time management aids, such as digital planners and alarms
  • Help students break larger tasks down into smaller steps, estimating the length of time each step will take.
  • Remind students to consider how much time they have to complete a task
  • Devote time to planning and organization before students start a project or a larger task
  • Be sure to note any specific time management aids to be used in the student’s IEP

Case Study

Student: Grade 10 student in a new school

Content: The student joins the school in the middle of the year and is adjusting to their new schedule.

Problem: The student is having trouble deciding how much time they will need to study for tests in different classes when they are scheduled close together.

Solution: A teacher or guidance counsellor arranges a time to conference with the student and uses a digital calendar to visualize when they need to start studying for each test. They block out study times for each subject in the calendar with breaks and use colours to distinguish between them.

Additional Resources


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