
26 Highly Structured Approach


Structured learning environment including clear guidelines around time and activities in each class which supports the student’s ability to understand expectations and complete tasks with maximum independence.

In action

The teacher can organize work periods into small chunks for the student, so tasks are more accessible to them.

Support Strategies

  • Ensure consistency across classes by creating a structure for independent work periods for the student (e.g., checking in with the teacher or a peer after 15 minutes of independent research).
  • Co-create a detailed daily schedule with the student so that they can refer to it throughout the day to know what to expect next. The schedule can be shared as an agenda with the whole class with more detailed versions for individual students.
  • Co-create clear learning goals with the class so students know the objective of each lesson as well as success criteria that outline the process and steps required for each task. This can be differentiated by including different amounts of detail for different students and distributing copies accordingly.
  • Allow the student to take breaks when they need them with designated tasks (e.g., reading for 15 minutes).
  • Communicate with the student’s caregivers regularly to ensure consistency between home and school (e.g., the amount of homework assigned should be aligned with the amount of time designated for homework at home).

Case Study

Student: Grade 7 student in a history class.

Content: The class is conducting independent research on topics of interest in the computer lab for an upcoming assignment.

Problem: The student has difficulty selecting a topic so they are unable to start.

Solution: The teacher provides the student with choices for a potential topic in advance so they know what they will research when they arrive at the computer lab. The teacher also creates a task schedule organized into smaller chunks for the student, with each chunk having an explicit goal, so they know what they need to accomplish that day. The task schedule also includes time for the student to take a break if need be and lists activities that they can do during their break.

Additional Resources


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