1 Welcome from the Coordinator!
Welcome Graduating Class of 2023!!
As coordinator of the Workplace Wellness and Health Promotion program, I would like to welcome you to the program and to Centennial College. This handbook has been developed to provide you with important information about the program and policies and procedures that govern their practice and behaviour. It contains information that will help you to be successful and should be read thoroughly and referred to throughout the program as required. We will be reviewing important sections of this handbook in your semester 1 orientation. Should you not understand information in this handbook, you may speak with any faculty member, the program coordinator, success advisor or department chairperson.
Embarking on a new career is always exciting and can also be overwhelming. As adult learners, you have the right to make your own decisions, and to take ownership and responsibility for these decisions. By making you aware of program and professional rules and regulations and policies and procedures, you can make informed and responsible choices and decisions. The College offers many services to assist students with their success and I urge you to use them whenever necessary. This year will be a learning experience for us all and I am always available for you to share your feedback and insights helping us move forward more easily.
Within the Wellness and Health Promotion field, Centennial College graduates are prominently practicing in many capacities and are considered valued and essential members of the Health and Wellness industry. The role of WWHP graduates is evolving at a very rapid pace due to extremely professional individuals who have taken this profession to the next level through their dedication, higher thinking, creativity and motivation.
Career opportunities for WWHP graduates are unique and growing steadily. I think demand will only increase as we continue to navigate through our current health crisis. There are traditional and fulfilling careers in corporate, community and not-for-profit organizations, with roles and responsibilities that vary widely depending on the organization. There are also the not-so-traditional roles that creative graduates carve out for themselves and expand the opportunities for future graduates.
I look forward to the next year we will spend together, and if you need to speak to me for any reason, don’t hesitate to contact me at (416) 289-5000 ext. 8052 or by email at lgilks@centennialcollege.ca.
Lorraine Gilks, B.Ed., M.Sc., PCC
Coordinator, Professor, Workplace Wellness & Health Promotion