
Original Publication of Essays*

  1. Battersby, M. 1989. “Critical Thinking as Applied Epistemology: Relocating Critical Thinking in the Philosophical Landscape.” Informal Logic 11, 2: 91–100.
  2. Bailin, S. 1992. “Argumentation as Inquiry.” In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Argumentation, edited by F.H. van Eemeren, R. Grootendorst, J.A. Blair, and C. Willard, 232-240. Amsterdam: International Society for the Study of Argumentation.
  3. Bailin, S. 1999. “The Problem with Percy: Epistemology, Understanding and Critical Thinking.” Informal Logic 19, 2-3: 161-170.
  4. Bailin, S. and M. Battersby. 2007. “Reason Appreciation.” In Reason Reclaimed, edited by H. Hansen and R. Pinto, 107-120. Newport News, VA: Vale Press.
  5. Bailin, S. and M. Battersby. 2009. “Inquiry: A Dialectical Approach to Teaching Critical Thinking.” In Argument Cultures: Proceedings of OSSA 8 CD-ROM, edited by J. Ritola. Windsor, ON: OSSA.
  6. Battersby, M. and S. Bailin. 2011. “Guidelines for Reaching a Reasoned Judgment.” In Conductive Argument: An Overlooked Type of Defeasible Reasoning, edited by J.A. Blair and R.H. Johnson, 145–157. London: College Publications.
  7. Bailin, S. and M. Battersby. 2015. “Conductive Argumentation, Degrees of Confidence, and the Communication of Uncertainty.” In Reflections on Theoretical Issues in Argumentation Theory, edited by F.H. van Eemeren and B. Garssen, 71–82. London: Springer.
  8. Battersby, M. 1993. “Assessing Expert Claims: Critical Thinking and the Appeal to Authority.” Paideusis 6, 2: 5–16.
  9. Battersby, M. and S. Bailin. 2015. “Fallacy Identification in a Dialectical Approach to Teaching Critical Thinking.” Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 30, 1: 9–16.
  10. Battersby, M. and S. Bailin. 2011. “Critical Inquiry: Considering the Context.” Argumentation 25, 2: 243-253.
  11. Battersby, M. and S. Bailin. 2013. “Critical Thinking and Cognitive Biases.” In Virtues of Argument: Proceedings of OSSA 10 CD-ROM, edited by D. Mohammed and M. Lewinski. Windsor, ON, OSSA.
  12. Bailin, S. and M. Battersby. 2016. “DAMed If You Do; DAMed If You Don’t: Cohen’s ‘Missed Opportunities.’” In Argumentation, Objectivity, and Bias: Proceedings of OSSA 11, edited by P. Bondy and L. Benaquista, 1-12. Windsor, ON: OSSA.
  13. Bailin, S. and M. Battersby. 2008. “Beyond the Boundaries: The Epistemological Significance of Differing Cultural Perspectives.” In Dissensus and the Search for Common Ground: Proceedings of OSSA 7, edited by H. Hansen, C. Tindale, J.A. Blair and R.H. Johnson, 1-16. Windsor, ON: OSSA.
  14. Bailin, S. and M. Battersby. 2011. “Teaching Critical Inquiry in Science: The Role of Dialectical Context in Scientific Reasoning.” Presented at Science and Culture: Promise, Challenge, and Demand, 11th International History and Philosophy of Science Teaching and 6th Greek History, Philosophy, and Science Teaching Joint Conference, July 1–5, Thessaloniki.
  15. Battersby, M. 2006. “Applied Epistemology and Argumentation in Epidemiology.” Informal Logic 26, 1: 41-62.
  16. Battersby, M. 2014. “The Competent Layperson: Re-envisioning the Ideal of the Educated Person.” Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 29, 3: 4–12.
  17. Battersby, M. and S. Bailin. 2015. “Teaching Critical Thinking as Inquiry in Higher Education.” In Palgrave Handbook of Critical Thinking in Higher Education, edited by M. Davies and R. Barnett, 123-138. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  18. Bailin, S. and M. Battersby. 2016. “Fostering the Virtues of Inquiry.” Topoi 35, 2: 367-374. DOI 10.1007/s11245-015-9307-6.
  19. Bailin, S. 2003. “Is Argument for Conservatives? or Where Do Sparkling New Ideas Come From?” Informal Logic 23, 1: 1-15.
  20. Battersby, M. 2016. “Enhancing Rationality: Heuristics, Biases, and the Critical Thinking Project.” Informal Logic 36, 2: 99-120.

* Some updating of references and minor editorial changes have been made to some of the papers.


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