With a goal to collaboratively design and develop common modules to core courses across several programs, eCampusOntario is sponsoring our college and university partners to contribute their in-house experts in subject matter, educational technology, information management, curriculum development, and instructional design.
The purpose of this short guide is to provide a springboard for discussion. From these basic elements, the subject matter experts convening in Toronto, can build an acceptable template and guiding principles to provide high-quality and consistent learning modules for the designated modular content.
Beyond concentrated savings in these disciplines, eCampusOntario is hopeful this coordinated design and development further builds the open community across Ontario’s colleges and universities.
Today’s Challenge
In each of your huddles | tables, peruse your assigned section of this evolving guide and highlight areas of concern, confusion, and | or caution.
From Tables 1 and 3, were are looking for recommendations on how to improve, firm up, or veer toward an alternate take on the Instructional Design approach suggested.
Tables 2 and 4 are challenged with adding to the basic suggestions for consistent communication to include health | nursing nomenclature.