13 Weekly and Bi-Weekly Check-in

A weekly ½ hour check-in meeting within the 1st month and biweekly within the 2nd month is recommended. The following are some suggested on topics to help guide your conversation:

  • What has gone well over the last few (days or weeks)?

  • Are things going the way you expected?

  • What’s been your major learning, insight, or discovery so far?

  • What would you like to have more of? What would you like to do differently?

  • What are your goals for the next week/month?

  • What has been a challenge for you?

  • What do you need from your supervisor? How can they support you? What training, resources, etc, do you need to help you succeed?



Getting Ready for Work-Based Learning (Students) Copyright © 2023 by Jenny Peach. All Rights Reserved.

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