12 Week 1 at Work

First Meeting with Workplace Supervisor / Mentor

The goal of the first meeting is to get to know your mentee and align expectations for your mentoring relationship. Use the first meeting to: 

  • Overview of required training (HR, Workplace Safety, Cybersecurity etc.)
  • Understand expectations for the role
  • Determine communication plan (Attendance, questions, etc.)
  • Access to workplace technology.
  • You can also use the first meeting to talk about your student/employee’s Learning Goals.
  • Request weekly or biweekly 1-1 meetings with your direct supervisor/mentor for the next 4 months.  It is always a good idea to have a set schedule in place for ongoing feedback and support.

First Week at Work

Workplace Onboarding will assist you with understanding the environment and the expectations for the workplace

We have provided you with a variety of asynchronous learning modules for workplace success to complement your company’s onboarding process.  

You will need a company-specific workplace orientation to cover the following elements, as well as any others you feel appropriate:

  • Company Code of Conduct Policies and Procedures
  • Health and Safety
  • IT Security Expectations
  • Software Tools Use and Expectations
  • Non-Disclosure
  • Cybersecurity
  • Security Onboarding
  • Tour of the workplace
  • Personal Device Policies and Procedures
  • Overview of their role and responsibilities
  • Clear directions on the communication plan with direct supervisors
  • Introduction to the team




Getting Ready for Work-Based Learning (Students) Copyright © 2023 by Jenny Peach. All Rights Reserved.

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