
16 Tips for Working Remotely

Tips for Working Remotely

  • Be sure you understand your employer’s guidelines and expectations for working remotely.

  • Questions to clarify include:

    What are the expected work hours?
    What technology is used to send quick messages during the work day?
    Do they prefer video meetings or phone calls?
    How do they want you to track your work?

  • Set up your “home office.”

    Make sure it is ergonomically friendly. This includes the chair, desk, and location of your screen and keyboard.

  • Get organized

Determine what calendar system is used with your employer.
Block off time in your work calendar to complete any required task (treat them as an appointment).
Colour code your calendar to help you distinguish between tasks and meetings.
Set timers / reminders a few minutes prior to the online meeting to ensure you are prepared and on time.

  • Regularly check in with your supervisor

It is important that your supervisor knows your schedule and that you are present and accounted for each day.  Let them know you can be reached easily.
Send short updates on your accomplishments or follow any company project update communication channels.
At the start of each work day – sign into the appropriate communication channels (teams, slack etc…) to stay connected and reachable.
Let your supervisor know if need to be offline (outside of regular breaks and lunch)

  • Communicate your work schedule with anyone who might also be at home with you

Ensure that everyone at home understands your work requirements and needs to focus on work.



Getting Ready for Work-Based Learning (Students) Copyright © 2023 by Jenny Peach. All Rights Reserved.