
20 Supervisor Evaluation Timelines

Students and supervisors will participate in a performance review process.  

Term 1 (September – December)


Completed by 



Learning Goals (Development) Student (reviewed with the Supervisor) The student is required to identify 3-4 learning goals and review them with the supervisor to ensure they are achievable and appropriate. Friday, October 6
Progress Check-In Student and Supervisor (reviewed with the student and Skills Coach) Informal check-in to discuss initial progress. Friday, November 3
End-of-Term Workplace Feedback Supervisor (reviewed with the student and Skills Coach) Supervisors will be asked to complete a formal evaluation of the student’s performance and learning. The evaluation link will be emailed to supervisors and include a review of competencies as well as technical learning outcomes. Friday, December 15

Term 2 (January – April )


Completed by 



Learning Goals (Review) Student to review and update as needed with the Supervisor As students progress in the role and organizational priorities change, goals may need to be adjusted. Friday, January 26
End-of-Term Workplace Feedback Supervisor (reviewed with the student and Skills Coach) Supervisors will be asked to complete a formal evaluation of the student’s performance and learning. The evaluation link will be emailed to supervisors and include a review of competencies as well as technical learning outcomes. Friday, April 19

Term 3 (May – August)


Completed by 



Contract Extension Conversations Student and Supervisor As students progress in the role and organizational priorities change, goals may need to be adjusted. May
End-of-Term Workplace Feedback Supervisor (reviewed with the student and Skills Coach) Supervisors will be asked to complete a formal evaluation of the student’s performance and learning. The evaluation will include a review of competencies as well as technical learning outcomes. Friday, August 16




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