
9 Before Your First Day

Below are some steps to consider prior to your first day in the workplace.

  1. Research the company – You would have researched the foundation of the company when you applied and interviewed for the role.  But now your research will focus on important things to know as a new employee. For example, look for company directories, organizational charts, references to onboarding, and learning opportunities.
  2. If working remotely – set yourself up for success by having a designated work space where you can focus.  If your employer is providing you with technology access, have you received everything you need?  If not, connect with your employer for the next steps.
  3. Commuting to work – Test out a couple of routes, whether you are driving or taking public transportation. Do a practice commute during the day that will give you an accurate reflection of the traffic flow for the first day. Plan alternative routes, just in case of delays.
  4. Ensure you are aware of professional skills terminology.



Getting Ready for Work-Based Learning (Students) Copyright © 2023 by Jenny Peach. All Rights Reserved.