
Quick Reference Guides

47 PHP Reference

Here are some quick reference reminders about PHP. This textbook is just designed to give you a toehold in how to use PHP for server-side web app programming. Once you understand how the language works, you can get more details elsewhere. One good place for tutorial-style basic PHP (including language references) is w3schools.

Quick Facts

  • PHP is dynamically typed (no need to declare variable types).
  • PHP  is weakly typed (values of the “wrong” type are converted to a usable type, sometimes with unpredictable results).
  • PHP programs run on the server side of the client-server interface. The server runs them to help write HTTP Responses.
  • PHP programs get input from HTTP Request parameters.
  • PHP programs write text output into the HTTP Response Body. This text can be HTML, CSS and/or JavaScript code, or it can be a JSON encoded string of data.
  • AJAX allows the client to send HTTP Requests from a JavaScript program, receive the HTTP Response without triggering a page reload, and incorporate the new information into the page using DOM Manipulation.
  • PHP programs must manage session state themselves

Web App Security

PHP programs must use security best practices to protect code, data and users

  • Validate and sanitize user input using filter_input().
  • Use SQL prepared statement parameters.
  • Hide sensitive information on the device, in transmission, and on the server.
  • Use hashing and salting to store passwords.
  • Never store passwords or other sensitive information in the $_SESSION object.

PHP Tags

<?php … ?> is the script tag, <?= … ?> is the expression tag


echo "<p>Hi</p>";

Debugging Output



$x = 5;

Start with a $ character, dynamically typed, no declaration is necessary.)

Global or function scope only. No block-level scope.


PHP supports values of type intfloatboolnullstringarray, and object.

vardump($x); // echoes the type and value of $x

PHP supports c-style casting for type conversion.
$x = (int)$x; // converts $x to int
$x = (float)$x; // converts $x to float


Arrays are highly flexible and can mix integer and associative key values. Array literals are enclosed in square brackets.

a[0]="first item";   
a[1] = "2nd item";
array_push($a, "3rd item");

$a=["first item", "second item", "third item"];
$user = ["studentid" => “84390283", "age" => 23];


Use single quotes for raw strings, double quotes to embed variables:

echo "Hello $name"; // embeds variable $name
echo "Hello $row[name]"; // embeds $row["name"]
echo 'Hello $name"; // prints "$name" into output


function spam($a, $b=0, $c=0) {
    return $a + $b + $c;

Control Structures

Here are the main PHP control structures used in this book. This list is not exhaustive.

if (boolean) { 
    // do something
} elseif { 
    // do something else
} else {
    // do a default thing

while (boolean) { 
    // do something

do {
    // do something
} while (boolean);

for (initialize; test; change) {
    // do something

foreach ($a as $k => $v) { 
    // $k and $v are the key and
    // value of associative array $a


PHP supports all the arithmetic and Boolean operators you learned in your first programming course. But watch out for automatic type conversion (weak typing). Here are some examples:

  • 35 + ” dollars” is 0, not “35 dollars”
  • “” == false is true

String concatenation uses the dot (.) operator.

To help get around automatic type conversion, PHP also supports === (true if the type and value match) and !== (true if either the type or the value do not match).

The logical AND, OR, and NOT operators are &&, ||, and ! respectively, but you can also use and and or.


A class is a blueprint for creating objects. It contains instance variables and methods (functions). You can use a constructor method to set up instance variables when the object is created.

class Person {
    // instance variables (optional)
    public $name = "";
    public $age = -1;

    // constructor is named __construct (two underscores)
    // $this->name references the name variable
    function __construct($name, $age = -1) {
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->age = $age;

    // method to increase the $age instance variable
    function increase_age($increment) {
        $this->age += $increment;


New objects are created from a class using the new keyword.

$p1 = new Person("Sam");         
$p2 = new Person("Anne", 30);

Use the arrow (->) operator to access instance variables and methods.

echo "Your name is $p1->name.";

Parameters (Client)

Parameters can be sent from input elements enclosed in a form element:

<form action="some_file.php" method="method">
    <!-- named input elements go here -->
    <input type="hidden" name="parameter name" value="value to send">
    <input type="submit">

The method attribute can be GET or POST.

Input Elements:

  • Input elements require a name attribute in order to send a parameter.
  • Input elements with the required attribute must be filled in before the browser will allow the form to submit.
  • Input elements with attributes such as min, max, step, size, etc. will also be checked by the browser before submission.
  • Input elements with type=”hidden” can be used as a form of primitive session management, with values written by a PHP program.
  • See HTML Reference for a bigger list of input types and attributes.

JavaScript Form Validation:

  • The submit event attaches to a form element. The listener for the event will be called before the form is submitted.
  • The event.preventDefault() method will prevent the form from being submitted.

Parameters (Server)

filter_input(INPUT TYPE, "param", FILTER)

AJAX (Client)

To get HTTP Response body text:

    .then(response => response.text()) 

To get objects or values by decoding the JSON text in HTTP Response body:

    .then(response => response.json()) 

GET parameters can be appended to the url (e.g. “url?x=5&y=3&z=hi”)

AJAX (Server)

// receive params, retrieve data, etc.
// construct a $data array or object to send back to client
echo json_encode($data);

Session Management


Password Hashing

$hash = password_hash($user_pwd, PASSWORD_DEFAULT)
password_verify($user_pwd, $hash)

Some Useful Global Functions

Array Functions

array_push($a, $item)

String Functions


Number Functions

number_format($n, $p) // rounds $n to $p decimal places
rand($min, $max)  

Date Function


Debugging Functions


PHP Data Objects (PDO)

See SQL/PDO Reference.


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Full Stack Web Development for Beginners Copyright © 2025 by Sam Scott is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.