Part C: Cardiovascular Risk
- Paul overcame his drug addiction and faced challenges with chronic back pain
- Understood the importance of health and scheduled a routine check-up as he approached middle age
- Doctor inquired about prior opioid use and expressed concern about Paul’s cardiovascular health
- Highlighted potential increased cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk due to substance misuse history
- Screening process revealed elevated CVD risk
Risk Factors For CVD
- Prior Drug Addiction
- Chronic Back Pain
- Stress
- Mental Health
- Insomnia
- Previous Rehabilitation Medications

Physical Inactivity Relapse Related to Opioid Use and CVD
- Long-term opioid usage is linked to both anatomical and functional alterations in the brain
- Patients with OUDs have benefited from supplementary physical activity programs.
- Exercise acts initially as a factor of internal activation and self-regulation
- For the maintenance of opioid use, exercise prescriptions are advised as an adjunct to traditional therapy

- Lifestyle changes(exercise, diet, etc)
- Regular CVD monitoring
- Medication Management
- Collaborative care
- Continued support and counseling