Part C: Cardiovascular Risk

  • Paul overcame his drug addiction and faced challenges with chronic back pain
  • Understood the importance of health and scheduled a routine check-up as he approached middle age
  • Doctor inquired about prior opioid use and expressed concern about Paul’s cardiovascular health
  • Highlighted potential increased cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk due to substance misuse history
  • Screening process revealed elevated CVD risk

Risk Factors For CVD

  • Prior Drug Addiction
  • Chronic Back Pain
  • Stress
  • Mental Health
  • Insomnia
  • Previous Rehabilitation Medications
Illustrates the Mechanistic Framework for Cardiovascular Complications of Opioids. Shows comparison between Natural and Synthetic Opioids.
CC Public Domain

Physical Inactivity Relapse Related to Opioid Use and CVD

  • Long-term opioid usage is linked to both anatomical and functional alterations in the brain
  • Patients with OUDs have benefited from supplementary physical activity programs.
  • Exercise acts initially as a factor of internal activation and self-regulation
  • For the maintenance of opioid use, exercise prescriptions are advised as an adjunct to traditional therapy,%2C%20and%20transporters%20%5B92%5D


  • Lifestyle changes(exercise, diet, etc)
  • Regular CVD monitoring
  • Medication Management
  • Collaborative care
  • Continued support and counseling
Flow diagram of the Development of CVD and possible prevention by a Healthy Diet.


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Multi-Course Case Studies in Health Sciences (Version 2) Copyright © 2021 by Laura Banks; Elita Partosoedarso; Manon Lemonde; Robert Balogh; Adam Cole; Mika Nonoyama; Otto Sanchez; Sarah West; Sarah Stokes; Syed Qadri; Robin Kay; Mary Chiu; and Lynn Zhu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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