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Congratulations! You have completed this resource.

You should now have a foundational understanding of how digital tools can be used to support the science of learning principles of spaced practice, interleaving, concrete examples, elaboration, dual coding, and retrieval practice in your courses.

When designing or updating your courses, you may want to ask yourself the following:

  • Have I identified digital tools that I can use in my course(s) that will enhance student learning?
  • What are some strategies that I can implement in my course(s) to strengthen students’ learning skills?
  • Have I considered some of the barriers that may prevent my students from using these tools or strategies? How will I support students in overcoming these barriers?

Remember, you don’t have to completely revise your course right away. Even adding as few as one new activity or strategy each time you run the course will strengthen student learning and promote engagement. If you feel inspired, you can adopt several tools that support the content and your learners. The most important part is that the digital tool is appropriate for the task or content, for the level of expected inquiry, understanding and engagement, and will enhance student learning.

Give it a Try!

Ready to use the template? There are two stages to importing the template into your Learning Management System (LMS):

  • Go to the eCampusOntario VLS Collection, search for Academic Success Strategies in a Virtual Environment, then download the import package for your LMS.
  • Import the template using the Import Package feature within your LMS. Instructions for Blackboard, D2L Brightspace, and Moodle are available for download.

For More Information

If you are interested in learning more about the science of learning, please explore the following resources:

  • InnerDrive – This site offers a wide range of resources, including a blog, research summaries, posters and worksheets. While designed for K-12, many of the resources are applicable for post-secondary students.
  • The Learning Scientists – This site hosts a blog and includes free downloadable materials that you can share with your students.
  • Retrieval Practice – Don’t let the name fool you, this site provides a variety of strategies and resources to help students learn better.


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Academic Success Strategies in a Virtual Environment Copyright © by Centre for Teaching and Learning, Durham College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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