
An Introduction to the Centre for Teaching and Learning

What is the Centre for Teaching and Learning?

The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) works in partnership with faculty, staff, and students from across campus to create a culture of scholarly and effective teaching at the University of Windsor – a culture that values, recognizes, practices, and rewards teaching that is well-grounded in research and reflective practice and thus likely to enhance and inspire student learning.

The CTL offers a wide variety of programs, resources, and services to support instructors in their teaching development. Developmental opportunities for GA/TAs include:

  • Courses and Extended Programming The University Teaching Certificate Program contains several credit and non-credit courses designed to help academics at all levels and in all disciplines develop their teaching practice.  
  • Workshops: Workshop sessions cover a diverse range of topics relevant and open to all members of the university community, including GA/TAs. 
  • Individual Consultations: One-on-one consultations with GA/TAs to discuss all things teaching and learning-related.
  • Observations: GA/TAs who want feedback on their teaching may request a classroom/laboratory/tutorial observation, followed by confidential written and verbal advice about both strengths and recommended changes.
  • The GATA Network: The GATA Network is a graduate student-led program that offers professional development events, campus and discipline-specific workshops, individual consultations, digital outreach, and resource development to support improved educational practice among GA/TAs.
  • Teaching Dossier Support: The CTL offers teaching dossier support through individual consultations, the Teaching Dossier Academy, and the Developing Your Teaching Dossier Series which is a sequence of self-paced modules specifically created for GA/TAs.
  • Brightspace support: The CTL offers a variety of training and resources to support GA/TAs in their use of Brightspace. This includes Brightspace workshops, workshop recordings, how-to documentation which offers step-by-step how-to written instructions, and drop-in help offered in-person (by appointment only) and virtually through MS Teams: uwindsor.ca/brightspace/dropin.

We hope that you find your teaching experience engaging and rewarding and that you will take advantage of the supports and professional development resources at the Centre for Teaching and Learning. For more information on these and other services, contact the CTL at ctl@uwindsor.ca.



Graduate Assistant and Teaching Assistant Handbook Copyright © 2024 by Laura Chittle; Elizabeth Ismail; Sheldon Fetter; Erica Miklas; Jake Ouellette; and Emily Varga. All Rights Reserved.