


The Dashboard is the default landing page you will see after signing into the University of Windsor’s BetterExaminations (BE). The Dashboard contains information that would help instructors facilitate their exams in BE. In the Dashboard, there are multiple tiles that the instructors can interact with to quickly access a particular resource or exam that needs their attention.

BetterExaminations dashboard with all the eight informative tiles and the navigation menu
The BetterExaminations dashboard has 8 tiles that act as digital sticky notes that quickly remind the users about certain information that might require their attention.

Exam Scheduled Today

This tile shows the number of exams that were scheduled to be written by students on the current day. Clicking on this tile will bring the instructor to the Course section of BE.

Your courses in progress

Shows the number of active/in-progress courses that the instructor is currently teaching or managing. Similar to the Exam Scheduled Today tile, clicking on this tile will bring the instructor to the Course section of the BE.

Course with exam awaiting marking & feedback

Shows the number of courses with exam submissions that need reviewing for manual grading or feedback.  Clicking on this tile will prompt the BE website to highlight and focus on the Exams Awaiting Marking tile.

Submission awaiting marking & feedback

Highlights the number of submissions from students that need marking or feedback. Clicking on this tile will prompt the BE website to highlight and focus on the Exams Awaiting Marking tile.

Active Courses

This tile shows the list of all the instructor’s active courses. The instructor can quickly access the BE content of a particular course they manage by clicking on that specific course in the list.

Exams Waiting for Approval

This tile shows the list of exams that need to be approved by the exam author or other users in BE. BE has grouped the exams in this list by the course they belong to.

Exams Awaiting Marking

This tile shows the list of exam submissions requiring manual grading or instructor feedback. Like the “Exam Waiting for Approval” tile, BE has grouped the exams in this list by the course they belong to.

Exam Result Awaiting Release

Shows a list of all the pending exams to be released so that the students start receiving their marks for the exam. Like the “Exam Waiting for Approval” tile, BE has grouped the exams in this list by the course they belong to.


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BetterExaminations at the University of Windsor Copyright © 2021 by Lorna Stolarchuk and Jykee Pavo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.