
Creating a Question Bank in BetterExaminations

A questions bank is a collection of questions in a course that can be reused across exams in the course. Follow the steps below to get started.

Step 1: Access the University of Windsor BetterExaminations ( opens new window )  from Blackboard as shown in the Sign-in chapter of this eBook. If you are successful, you will be greeted with your BetterExaminations (BE) dashboard.

Note: On the right-hand side of the Dashboard are the tiles that contain essential information that might be useful to the user. It also provides quick access to exams or courses that needs the users’ immediate attention. On the left-hand side is the navigation menu. Users can utilize it to navigate to other sections within BE.

Better Examination Dashboard
BetterExamination Dashboard for instructors (users).
BetterExaminations Navigation Bar with Dashboard, Courses, Students, and Users within in it
The Course tab is located within the navigation menu on the left-hand side of the BetterExamination user interface.


Step 2: Click the Courses tab on the left menu to view all courses associated with your account. (If you don’t see the left menu, select theHamburger Button, Three Horizontal line stacked on top of each other icon)





Step 3: Select the course you want to create the question bank for from your list of courses.

Better Examination Course Section
A simple list of Courses  to choose from
Selecting the Question Bank Tab from the "Courses" additional menu
Question Bank menu items in Course Overviews.

Step 4: After selecting a course, the user must select the Question Bank option within the Course Overview menu to create or edit questions banks.






Step 5: Select the Create (1) button on the right-hand side to create a new set of questions.

Note: You can search for an existing question bank by navigating through the Question Bank list (2) or by typing the name of the question bank into the search text field (3)

The Question Bank section. It is made up of three part: the Create button, Filter by text field, and Question bank list
Essential parts of  Question Bank : (1) + Create button, (2)  list of existing questions, and (3)search text field.
Step 6: Once the user selects the Create button, you will transfer to a page to create a new question bank. The Title text field contains the title of the question bank. The Add new button lets the user add individual questions within the question bank. Enter a label from the question bank in the Title text field.
Question creation section with the Title text field and the Add new button.
Question Bank screen with Title and Add new option featured

Step 7: Select the appropriate question type from the question list.

Note: You can narrow down your search by selecting the question types that closely resemble your question from the list of question types on the left menu

The BetterExaminations Question generator with multitude of question types
The list on the left-hand side shows all the available question types within BE, while the list on the right-hand side shows several possible variations of the selected question type on the left.

Step 8: Fill out the question form and set the settings you want to apply for the question (For in-depth instructions on creating certain question types, visit the Question Types In BetterExaminations section of the official documentation). Click the Save button to complete.

Note: A rubric may be desired when creating a question that doesn’t have an auto-grading feature (i.e., essay question or audio recording). For more information on creating a rubric in BE, visit the Creating a Rubric in BetterExaminations chapter of this eBook.
An editing section for a multiple choice question type in BetterExaminations
Sample Multiple choice questions. Click save to complete.
The Edit and Preview right beside under the save button
Edit and Preview button when editing questions.

Optional Step: You can use the Preview questions by clicking on the Preview button just below the Save button. Return to editing by clicking on the Edit right beside the Preview button.





Step 9: You can add as many questions as you want into the question bank by repeating Steps 6 to 8 as many times as you want. When satisfied with the number of questions in your question bank, click the Save button to save the question bank.

Conclusion: The question bank you’ve just created should now be part of the course question bank (refer to Step 5) and readily available to be imported into an exam.


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BetterExaminations at the University of Windsor Copyright © 2021 by Lorna Stolarchuk and Jykee Pavo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.