

Dear colleagues,


One of our collective goals at the Faculty of Engineering is to ensure that our students’ experience on campus, and specifically in the classroom, is the best it can be. This takes some effort, preparation and coordination. The handbook will achieve its mission if it makes your job as a professor a bit easier, by gathering in one place many tidbits of information and academic regulations that are important to course delivery.


Sticking to regulations will qualify for a decent job, but many of our talented and dedicated professors, full-time or part-time, junior or senior, regularly go above and beyond to be the compassionate, engaging and knowledgeable role models that truly make us all proud.


The handbook is divided into three parts.


Part One – Delivering courses, is organized in chronological order of the steps you will take to deliver your course, from preparing the course outline to writing up the exams, and to submitting course marks.


Part Two – Academic integrity, describes what is available on campus to promote a culture of academic integrity, and how to report academic misconduct allegations in students’ work.


Part Three – Student services and programs that you need to know about, aims to position your course in the continuum of support services and programs present for students at the Faculty and on campus.


Please note that a more complete guide (in English, and in French), including research and personal development aspects, is now available for (new) professors.


Your feedback is always more than welcome. If you are using a printed version of the present handbook, please make sure to check its latest version at https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/uottawaengineeringprofhandbook/


Happy teaching, and remember: our students are worth it!


Michel Labrosse, PhD, PEng

Professor and Vice-Dean Student Affairs


Professor Handbook - Faculty of Engineering Copyright © 2024 by University of Ottawa. All Rights Reserved.

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