
Student services and programs you need to know about

12 The Faculty of Engineering Undergraduate Studies Office

The Faculty of Engineering Undergraduate Studies Office (Undergraduate Studies Office) is a dynamic and experienced team available to help our students and professors. You can visit them in person or reach out to them by email at bacinfo@uottawa.ca.

Senior Officers (front-line staff)

They are the students’ go-to experts for any questions related to:

  • academic standing
  • academic counselling
  • development of a personal academic success plan
  • course registration
  • program modifications
  • program requirements or eligibility
  • requests for letters of permission
  • and much much more!

To meet with a Senior Officer, students can just walk into the Undergraduate Studies Office at STE 1020, or make an appointment either by phone, email or using the Q-Less application.

Academic specialists (also known as Academic Advisors)

They are ready to help students develop an individualized academic plan if they have been placed on academic probation or are required to withdraw from their program of studies or the Faculty. To meet with an academic specialist, students can make an appointment either by phone, email or using the Q-Less application.

The course scheduling team (also known as the Ops Team)

This is the team that takes care of course and final exam scheduling, deferred exams and so many other things related to courses. You can reach them at operations.engineering@uottawa.ca.


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