
Delivering courses

6 Marking


According to the Faculty of Engineering Academic Regulations, professors are responsible for the process of marking final assessments or exams, and for assigning course grades. Teaching assistants may only participate in marking final assessments or exams when questions have objective and unambiguous answers.

Passing grade

As of May 2022, D (50%) is the passing grade for all undergraduate courses given by the Faculty of Engineering. The decision is not retroactive, so students who were not enrolled in a specific course in May 2022 or after cannot benefit from it.

Official grading system – Academic Regulation A-3 :

The use of a predetermined distribution to determine the assignment of marks is prohibited. The University of Ottawa’s official grading system is alphanumeric. It must be applied to all courses except in cases approved by the University Senate. In some instances, for example, the expected learning outcomes of a course require a Satisfactory/Not satisfactory or a Pass/Fail grading scheme. Please also note that the final course grade is rounded up if the first decimal is 5 or higher or down if the first decimal is 4 or lower. 

Letter grade Percentage value Numeric value
A+ 90-100 10
A 85-89 9
A- 80-84 8
B+ 75-79 7
B 70-74 6
C+ 65-69 5
C 60-64 4
D+ 55-59 3
D 50-54 2
E 40-49 1
F 0-39 0
EIN Failure/Incomplete 0
ABS Absent 0
Other non-numerical grades – do not affect the student’s average
CR Credited course
NC No credits
P Pass
S Satisfactory
NS Not satisfactory

EIN: Symbol used whenever a student has failed to complete a significant portion of the course assignments and/or exams. This symbol is equivalent to a failing grade (F).
ABS: Symbol used when a student has not attended the course, has not submitted any assignment and has not advised the University, within the time limits specified in the list of important academic dates and deadlines, that the course was dropped. This symbol is equivalent to a failing grade (F).
DFR: Symbol used when a student has not completed the course requirements for a valid reason, and has an approved DFR request. The requirements must be completed by the date set by the Faculty. Professors are responsible for grading the paper or the exam and submitting the final grade. If the Faculty does not receive a grade within 6 months of the end of the course, the grade «DFR» will be changed to an «EIN».


Please note that you may also enter AEC (activité en cours – activity in progress) if you received confirmation that an academic fraud allegation is being processed.



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