
Course Goals & Learning Outcomes

Course Goals

There are three main goals of this course, each with their own set of sub-goals:

Foster Academic Success

  •  Adapt and apply appropriate academic strategies
  •  Identify relevant academic services, resources and processes related to student success and timely attainment of degree requirements.

Discover and Connect with the University

  •  Identify and use appropriate campus resources and engage in opportunities that contribute to student learning within and beyond the classroom.
  • Develop positive relationships with peers, staff, and faculty.

Promote Personal Development Wellbeing, and Social Responsibility

  • Clarify values and identity and articulate how these shape student perspectives and relationships with people who are similar to and different from themselves.
  • Examine and develop strategies that promote wellbeing and explain how wellness impacts student academic and personal success.

Course Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, learners should be able to:

  • Process printed information analytically and critically (READ)
  • Communicate clearly, precisely, and persuasively at an academic level (WRITE)
  • Communicate orally in a professional manner (SPEAK)
  • Participate in discussion of real-life issues as informed, critical members of the group (INQUIRY)
  • Process oral communication actively, effectively, and critically (LISTEN)
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify, locate, retrieve, use and reference information from a variety of sources for success in university (RESEARCH, CITATION)
  • Demonstrate awareness, understanding, and application of academic integrity (RESEARCH, CITATION)
  • Demonstrate ability to identify and apply academic strategies for analyzing, synthesizing, and critically evaluating information (CRITICAL THINKING)
  • Utilize strategies or methods for effectively receiving, processing, retaining, retrieving, and utilizing information in a variety of formats and contexts (LEARNING)
  • Identify and apply appropriate note-taking, study skills, and time management strategies to their academic studies, as well as understanding the variety of resources on campus that can support their learning (AWARENESS)
  • Illustrate effective use of online learning tools (DIGITAL AWARENESS)


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TransitionU: Community, Identity, and Inquiry Copyright © by Jill Greenwood, Lakehead University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.