

This week, we continue to explore strategies for writing with integrity.

Integrating sources through quotations and paraphrasing ensures that you provide evidence to support your claim and properly credit the work of other scholars that you draw upon to make your arguments.

Correctly using an academic style is equally important to writing with integrity. In this course, you are expected to cite using the American Psychological Association (APA) academic style.

This week you will practice quoting and paraphrasing sources and you will also learn to properly use parenthetical and narrative in-text citations as well as how to create a reference list.

Each of these skills–writing and citing well–strengthen your ability to articulate your ideas clearly and ethically.


Section I:  Writing with integrity

Graff, G., & Birkenstein, C. (2021). “They say/I say”. The moves that matter in academic writing (5th ed.). W.W. Norton & Company.

  • Chapter 1: They say: Starting with what others are saying (pp. 19-31).
  • Chapter 2: The art of summarizing (pp. 30-41).
  • Chapter 3: “As he himself puts it”: The art of quoting (pp. 47-56).

They say/I say tutorials (linked in Week 10):

  • Chapter 2 summarizing
  • Chapter 3: Quoting

American Psychological Association (2020). APA Style (7th ed.). https://apastyle.apa.org/

 Poole, T. (Host). (2021, April 22). How do I know what’s true on the internet? (Season 3, No.4) [Audio podcast episode]. In Tai asks why. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/taiaskswhy (30 minutes).

Before class activities

 Key questions to ask while reading and watching

  1. When do you paraphrase and when do you quote a source?
  2. What are some strategies for integrating quotes into your writing?
  3. Why do you need to cite your sources properly (think of at least three reasons)?
  4. What is the difference between an in-text citation and one that appears in a reference list? Are these citations connected and, if so, how?


  “Pile of words”: Group and label key concepts

Organize into two lists of similar terms and label each list (include definition of each label).

Remember: You may already understand some of these ideas relatively well and others may be new to you—you are encouraged to look up (e.g., in a dictionary or encyclopedia) the unfamiliar concepts in order to create your lists.

Make note of your reasons for grouping the ideas together as you will share them in class. These are self-paced individual activities, for which there are no right or wrong answers. The instructor will not grade this work.



   Predict a learning outcome

After class activities

After class, annotate each reading for key ideas. For videos and podcasts, you can annotate the transcript.

Summarize the author’s key ideas from each reading.

Highlight the following information:

  • Purpose of the reading;
  • Scope (the extent of the study);
  • Thesis (the main argument[s]);
  • Method (research method if applicable);
  • Outcome(s) and conclusion.

Respond to the following statement about the readings: do you agree or disagree with the statement and why?

“Citations protect you from a charge of plagiarism, but beyond that narrow self-interest, correct citations contribute to your ethos. First, readers don’t trust sources they can’t find. If they can’t find your sources because you failed to document them adequately, they won’t trust your evidence; and if they don’t trust your evidence, they won’t trust your paper— or you. […]  Teachers assign research papers to help you learn how to integrate the research of others into your own thinking. Proper citations show that you have learned one important part of that process”  (Booth et al., 2016, p. 203).

Did this reading provide any inspiration or insights you can use in this or any of your other classes? If yes, what is the inspiration and/or what are the insights?