Module 5: Scholarship as conversation

Introduction to the module

“Scholarship as conversation” is a popular metaphor for describing the ongoing exchanges—of data, information, results, review, ideas—between researchers.

For example, a literature review such as the one you are writing for this course is a form of conversation in which a scholar shares the key findings and debates in a given area of research.

To be part of the conversations, it is critical that you engage your reader, not just with a strong claim backed up by appropriate evidence, but also with an argument that is well structured and logically presented.

Whether you are writing an essay, presenting a short synopsis of your work, or offering feedback to a peer, an argument that is clear, easy to follow, and backed up by the right sources, will also make a strong contribution to the conversations happening in any area of study.


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Critical foundations in undergraduate research (second edition) Copyright © 2023 by Martha Attridge Bufton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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