
7 Language Portals

A person using a laptop computerA portal is a specially designed web-based platform that collects information on a given topic from different sources and presents it in a uniform way, often with a common user interface.

Language Portal of Canada

The Language Portal of Canada is maintained by the Government of Canada’s Translation Bureau. The resources found in the portal are intended for all Canadians who want to improve their language skills and so this diverse collection includes information about language learning, quizzes to test language skills, basic and expert advice on improving writing, a blog written by and for language lovers, and the TERMIUM Plus term bank that was discussed in detail in a previous section. The portal has an Official Languages Hub® dedicated to resources for English and French, as well as a section containing learning and teaching resources for some of Canada’s Indigenous languages.

As described on the portal’s website, the Language Navigator is a useful search tool for Canadians who want to improve their skills in Canada’s official languages (English and French). Indeed, Language Navigator has incorporated content of The Canadian Style, a guide that gives concise answers to questions concerning written English in the Canadian context, as well as Le guide du rédacteur, which does the same for Canadian French.

Using the site’s Official Languages Hub® search tool, which permits searching by keyword and theme, users can simultaneously search a wide variety of official languages resources from various Government of Canada departments and agencies. The Hub can be used to locate standards and policies, promotion tools, best practices, learning resources, and other useful information on numerous aspects of official languages in Canada. As such, the Language Portal of Canada is a useful resource to consult when translating specifically for a Canadian audience.

OQLF’s La Vitrine linguistique

The Banque de dépannage linguistique (BDL) is a French-language resource maintained by the Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF) as part of La Vitrine Linguistique. Here, users can find advice about grammar, spelling, punctuation, acronyms, pronunciations, writing and more – all with a special focus on Canadian French. Alongside the BDL and the Grand dictionnaire terminologique term bank that was described in a previous section, the OQLF’s La Vitrine linguistique portal offers other tools to support language learners, templates for common types of texts, a database of place names in the province of Quebec, and more.

A red maple leaf