

We are excited to share our insights and experiences related to the Transformative Learning Initiative in the Pilon School of Business (PSB) at Sheridan College by way of this Open Educational Resource (OER). Many people have invested significant time and energy into the Transforming Business Education initiative. This OER is a compilation of ideas and experiences from multiple constituents in our community that have been captured over the past two years. The work was primarily written and curated by Meagan Troop with continuous consultation, feedback, and enhancement from the multiple voices and perspectives of our PSB teaching and learning community members. As such, the OER represents a collaborative and collective effort with multiple inputs and contributions, which we’ve attempted to capture through shared authorship. In doing so, we aim to both disrupt and expand conceptions of community-based resource development and scholarly work in teaching and learning.

A special thanks to Dr. Anne-Liisa Longmore, Karen Booth, and Marcie Theoret for their inspired, collaborative partnership and substantive feedback throughout this process. To Erin Stripe, our PSB researcher, thanks so much for your valuable visual design contributions with the cover page design, theming for the OER, and visuals of the competency frameworks. Erin also assisted in the prototyping of the competency cards. Thanks also to Vivienne Wang, a student in the Bachelor of Interaction Design program at Sheridan, who collaborated with Meagan and Marcie in the design and development of the competency cards featured in Chapter Four: Transformative Learning in Practice.

We also want to acknowledge the multiple interested and affected constituents that provided important insights and feedback in the process of co-creating the Transformative Learning Model and competency-informed framework that is featured in the OER, namely the PSB Leadership Team, the Program Advisory Councils, and student and faculty research participants, whose perspectives enhanced our process of developing a model for transformative-focused education.

A heartfelt thank you to Sam Cheng from the Library and Learning Services team at Sheridan for assisting us in both developing and launching the OER in Pressbooks and in the development of the H5P assets featured throughout the book.

Last but not least, this work would not be possible without our Competency Community of Practice (CoP), a group that formed in Winter 2022. Marcie Theoret and Meagan Troop as co-leads of the CoP would like to both acknowledge and celebrate the meaningful contributions of current and previous members who have engaged in the Transforming Business Education initiative. This group has come together on a regular basis to share stories, exemplars, dilemmas, artifacts, critical questions, and curiosities about teaching and learning, with a particular focus on competency development, reflective practice, and transformative learning pedagogies. Throughout this shared journey, we’ve experienced a strong sense of community and connection, guided by care and collegiality and have been able to capture some of the co-created learning and teaching moments in this Open Educational Resource.

We’d like to thank the following PSB faculty colleagues involved in the Competency CoP who served as contributors of artifacts, ideas, and thoughtful feedback to the OER, namely:

Emily Brown
Wayland Chau
John Laugesen
Edward Marinos
Georgia Mello
Mojisola Oyadeyi
Douglas Peebles
Lavan Puvaneswaran
Vanessa Robinson


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Transforming Business Education Copyright © 2023 by Meagan Troop, Anne-Liisa Longmore, Marcie Theoret, Karen Booth, Erin Stripe, Emily Brown, Wayland Chau, John Laugesen, Edward Marinos, Georgia Mello, Lavan Puvaneswaran, Mojisola Oyadeyi, Douglas Peebles, Vanessa Robinson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.