Pathways to other Programs/Partners

Algoma University

Honours Bachelor of Arts – Multiple majors

Bachelor of Business Administration

Bachelor of Science – multiple majors

Athabasca University

Bachelor of Commerce

Bachelor of Human Resources and Labour Relations

Bachelor of Management 3 year – Post Diploma

Bachelor of Science – PD with majors

Bachelor of Science – PD

Brock University

Bachelor of Arts – Community Health

Honours Bachelor of Public Health

Davenport University

Bachelor of Science  – Health Services Administration

Humber College

Bachelor of Health Sciences – Workplace Health and Wellness

Institute of Technology Tralee

Honours Bachelor of Science – Health and Leisure (with Massage)

Lakehead University

Honours or Bachelor Degree – Multiple majors

Laurentian University

Bachelor of Arts – multiple majors

Honours Bachelor of Ars – multiple majors

Ontario Tech University (UOIT)

Honours Bachelor of Arts

Honours Bachelor of Allied Health Science

Bachelor of Commerce (bridge)

Ryerson University

Health Services Management

Health Information Management

Seneca College

Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies

Wilfred Laurier University 

Honours Bachelor of Arts

York University

Honours Bachelor degree – any major

Honours Health Science – undecided major

Honours Health Studies- Kinesiology and Health Science


For more information on outbound pathways to further education visit Centennial’s Education Pathways and Partnerships Outbound Pathways site or contact your Pathways Advisor at

The ONTransfer website also provides current information on college and university transfer opportunities in Ontario.

Specialized Academic Certificates

You can use your General Education (GNED) elective courses to fulfill the requirements for a Specialized Academic Certificate. Specialized Academic Certificate programs provide an opportunity for students registered in a Diploma or Advanced Diploma program to earn an additional Centennial College Certificate concurrently with their diploma. In order to obtain a Specialized Academic Certificate, you must successfully complete GNED500 plus the three GNED courses required by the Specialized Academic Certificate program. The GNED courses will also fulfill the elective GNED requirements of the diploma program. There are currently three Specialized Academic Certificate programs:

  • Indigenous Studies: First Peoples in Canada,
  • Inclusive Leadership Practices, and
  • Entrepreneurism


Include information regarding awarding of additional credentials or certifications.


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