

I would like to thank several individuals for their support and contributions to this project. First, Chandra Hardeen, Director of Community Investment at United Way Niagara, who generously offered support, attended class to share insights about United Way and social issues, and provided meaningful feedback on our work. I also want to express thanks to Ashleigh Doyle, Manager of Marketing & Communications at United Way Niagara, for taking the time to attend a lecture.

I am also grateful to Kosar Dakhilalian, Educational Developer for Open Educational Resources (OER), for helping establish this book and providing valuable resources. Special thanks to Giulia Forsythe and the Open Education Working Group for inspiring me to give this a try, and to Dr. Rajiv Jhangiani, whose work has advanced Open Educational practices at Brock University.

A big thank you also goes out to the teaching assistants Nicole Lemieux, Sierra Sheppard, and Paul Woolley who supported the students through this unique project.

Lastly, I want to thank the students of COMM 3P15 for their enthusiasm in trying this new approach, and the students who generously allowed their reports to be included in this compilation.

Kate J. Cassidy, Ph.D.