

Energizer Team

This team provides an experiential exercise that changes the participants’ energy levels either by calming them down or helping them feel more energized.

Executive Team

This team manages the class by setting the agenda, managing time, and controlling how the class flows overall.

Feedback Team

This team provides reactions to each team’s performance on their tasks and social roles.

Lesson Review Team

This team member reviews the lesson that was taught in the previous class.


This team member examines the team’s progress regarding tasks to be accomplished and analyzes the team’s social-emotional status.

Teaching Team

This team teaches the assigned chapter from the textbook for a particular class.

Team Leader

This is the team member who provides guidance, instruction, direction and leadership to a group of individuals for the purpose of achieving a key result or group of aligned results.

Team Recorder

This team member provides a written record of group decisions and discussions each time the team meets.

Team Reporter

This team member provides a status report to the class that highlights the progress of the team since the last class.