Dear friends,
Thank you for engaging in this document! We hope you have found it helpful and, more importantly, that it reminds you of the companionship you have in this new teaching fellowship experience.
While developing these teaching fellow dialogues, we looked back over the messages we shared, the exams we exchanged for proofreading, the emails we helped each other draft. We understand these interactions as a practice of mutual care, which undoubtedly benefited our students and helped us build stronger support systems for our TAs. It allowed us a trusted outlet for the stress and uncertainty of this role, and a place to remind the other, or be reminded, of the importance of caring for ourselves.
Many such practices of care already weave throughout our grad student networks; we know we’re writing this note for folks with whom we’ve previously proofread emails, or brainstormed student essay feedback, or exchanged much needed support. Our teaching fellow experiences showed us the importance of naming and cultivating these practices–of recognizing the work of care, and the many forms it may take, as foundational rather than incidental. We encourage you to keep care at the centre of your teaching fellowship experience, and hope that this document can be a node in that practice!
Emily & Emily