26 Your responsibility to TAs
What are you responsibilities to TAs and marker/graders (as per the TA handbook and as a kind human)?
ES: When you are working with TAs/markers, you have a responsibility to not only teach the course for which you are given the fellowship, but to teach your TAs as to how you would like them to help and facilitate you. Fielding questions without judgement, encouraging communication, offering honest feedback on their work helps everyone learn. I think we often forget to tell people when they do well. Don’t be afraid to give credit where credit is due, too!
EG: Agreed. As a graduate student instructor, I understood my responsibility to TAs as that of a mentor rather than a supervisor/boss. I referenced that in my letter of application, and stand by it.
“As the head of a teaching team, I would take seriously my status as mentor and work to facilitate (voluntary) opportunities for TAs to contribute lecture materials and/or report on their own research projects.”
~ Excerpt from EG’s application letter