48 When to begin preparing for exams
When did/would you start preparing for exams? When do you have to complete the exam request thingy?
ES: Exam requests are due mid-September; you’ll receive an email from the Registrar’s Office, with reminders from Angie, with a link to the (very straightforward) process on Mosaic.
I began thinking about exam questions as I constructed the syllabus and lectures throughout the semester. I would find myself thinking, “This would be a good exam question.” I’d write it down on a Stickie, and paste it to my wall in front of my desk. By the end of the semester, I had quite a few exam questions on my wall that needed some tightening up, but were overall pretty solid.
EG: In terms of when I started thinking about/drafting the exam: other than a few scattered and ideas, the planning began in earnest in mid/late October (for a Fall term). And a word of warning: student questions about exams will arrive early (like, week two).