Chapter 9: Corporate Tax

9.1 Explain the tax concept of “integration”
9.2 What are the similarities and differences between how tax payable is determined for individuals and corporations? (Overview)
9.3 What are the similarities and differences between the various types of corporations (private, CCPC, public). (6.2.1)
9.4 What are some significant differences for the treatment of Division ‘C’ deductions for individuals and corporations?
9.5 What is Active Business Income and Aggregate Investment Income?
9.6 How is tax payable calculated for a corporation and why is the source of the income (ABI, AII, Specified Investment Business Income etc.) important?
9.7 What is the General tax rate and the General rate reduction?
9.8 What is the Small Business Deduction and how is it determined?
9.9 What are the associated company rules? How do they impact the small business deduction? Why do they exist?
9.10 What is a Small Business Corporation? Explain any tax advantages of being a Small Business Corporation.
9.11 What is the Refundable Part IV tax and how is it determined? Why does it exist?
9.12 How do the various corporate tax rates tie into the concept of integration?
9.13 How are capital dividends treated for tax purposes? How does this tie into the concept of integration?
9.14 As an owner of a company, when is it beneficial to claim employment income (salary) rather than dividends (and vice versa)?